Kankan Kankou

Food - Etiquette

There are a few important rules to remember when dining in Japan:

  1. If provided with a towel at your table, only use it to clean your hands.
  2. Do not stick your chopsticks into a bowl of rice and leave them there.
  3. Do not point or move dishes around using your chopsticks.
  4. When eating food outdoors, stay in one area and do not leave any trash behind.
  5. Do not tip.
  6. Do not blow your nose at the table.
  7. Do not drink your alcohol until everyone has a glass and is ready to drink.

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  1. If you are out with friends or colleagues, pour drinks for them first, rather than yourself.
  2. Say "itadakimasu" before your meal, and "gochisou-samadeshita" at the end.
  3. Feel free to slurp your noodles. It is not frowned upon in Japan.
  4. Pay at the counter unless otherwise noted.
  5. If needed, there are typically baskets underneath chairs to place your bags and other belongings in.
  6. At a traditional restaurant with tatami flooring, remove your shoes before entering.